Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Blame the Patient

My patient cancelled her appointment today.

If she didn't cancel, I would be concentrating on scale and clean her calculus and plaque, and I wouldn't have the big break down this afternoon, and I wouldn't try to hurt myself, and I wouldn't end up in emergency, and people in uni wouldn't know about my conditions.... now everyone know about it... gonna face a thousand questions tomorrow... all because of my patient cancelled her appointment...

Put the blame on the patient =P

I was quite upset about what happened today, but Mikako called me tonight and tell me that it is alright as long as I'm safe. So I felt better. This is what I feel, as long as Mikako is here, there is nothing to be afraid of. This is what I know, as long as I'm still alive, there are every possibilities of happiness. So be brave, and live a proud Aspie life.

Thank you Mikako!


  1. So now all the clinical staff know about my conditions. I was scared that they would label or discriminate me, but they were unbelievably understanding especially Dr.Warnke. She knew about Aspergers and she looked at me in the eyes like she understands what I've been through. Thank you, Dr.Warnke :)

  2. Does any of unis people noe about your blog?? ......Yukushi

  3. two people from my uni knows my blog, but I don't know if they acrtually follow it. They are David and Billy, both patient and kind.
