Monday, July 26, 2010

The Happy Part of My Life

My puppy, Kumo!

Even I'm starving to death after uni, I would still go home instead of dining out, just to see Kumo a bit sooner.

I love him. I love being with animals because they don't pretend. They don't shake their tails while being angry at you. Shaking tails means happy, nothing else. I don't have to dig my brain out to figure out what they're thinking, what they're hiding behind the surface, or what they're implying under the words.

There are no Autism in animals, because every animals are autisitc. They are honest and non-verbal :D

1 comment:

  1. Melbi says:

    There are no Autism in animals, because every animals are autisitc. They are honest and non-verbal :D

    I may be arrogant when I say nobody has a special bond like we do. Again and again (growing up) I had "friends" and "family" who where to the point of being stupified that I had "frightened" and "aggressive" pets literally eating out of the palm of my hand .

    What was your secret they would ask ? I really did not know what to say, now that I have the diagnosis I now know why !

    It has it's limits I wouldn't try that party trick with security dogs.

    Julien (aussiebloke at WP)
